Into the Woods

actual cover page sfi
Scott Sager takes students on a tour through the forests in Gainesville, teaching them about forest cultivation.
The group taking an immersive ride through Florida's north timberlands
Students take note of different trees' age, density, management, and species.
sfi cover
Scott Sager teaches students about water management principles required for timber stands and balanced ecosystem health.
Upper Level Architecture students at University of Miami spent six days/five nights, exchanging
their classrooms for time spent within an immersive studio design camp located in the Florida forest.
Through presentations and discussions with foresters, architects, engineers, and other professionals, students leart details around sustainable forest management, BMPs, biodiversity benefi ts, the
CLT manufacturing and construction process, and using wood as a viable building material. With this
gained knowledge, students will be able to incorporate specifi c learnings into material specifi cations
by describing associated benefi ts to end-users (clients). The students were asked to document and
record their experiences through note taking, drawings, photographs, and writen refl ections delivered in a consolidated Field Notes submission [See Appendix 1]. The key topics of the trip were:
1. Sequestration, storage, release and generation of carbon,
2. Management of forestry, land and water
3. Ecological networks and system as related to Southeastern/Florida forests
4. Relationship of tree species, physiology, + building products
5. Extraction techniques and logistics, manufacturing processes and building products/assembly.
